Contemporary Yoga Philosophy

A chat with Laura von Ostrowski

I thoroughly enjoyed this discussion about Laura’s new book, Ein Text in Bewegung (“A Text in Motion”). You can watch it below.

Laura’s work explores how practitioners use Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, focusing particularly on Ashtanga Vinyasa. Her book is available for free download here.

As we discuss in our chat, this raises lots of broader questions.

To start with, what exactly is the philosophy of yoga? Has it changed over time? Are there many different yogas? How do they relate to each other?

More to the point, how do today’s theories relate to the past, as well as to practice and everyday life?

And perhaps more importantly of all, if we reinterpret texts to suit modern priorities, might it better to write new ones ourselves?

Answers on a postcard, please – you can share your thoughts here… or let me know if you’d like to have a chat about similar topics! 📮