Online Yoga Philosophy Course

Hosted by the Iyengar Institute of L.A.

A Six-Part Series

Calling all Iyengar yoga teachers... and anyone else who might be interested! 🤓

I'm running a six-part course on philosophy for the Iyengar Yoga Institute of Los Angeles, helping teachers to prepare for assessments.

We will focus in particular on the Yoga Sutra and the Bhagavad Gita, but also look more broadly at yogic traditions and their practical frameworks – from the early Upanishads to hatha yoga.

All sessions are conducted on Zoom, and they’re open to anyone anywhere – you don’t have to be a teacher, or a practitioner of Iyengar yoga. However, the priority will be covering the syllabus for teacher assessments.

They're held on Saturdays at 9.00 am Pacific time, which is 5.00 pm in the UK and 6.00 pm in most of continental Europe. The dates are August 5 and 12, September 9 and 16 and October 7 and 14.

You can find out more about each session here. Please get in touch here if you have any questions.


The Truth of Yoga Retreat (UK)


Retreat in Switzerland